FAQs Online

Is Hope Christian School an accredited school in Alberta?  

Hope Christian School is an accredited online school that offers the Alberta curriculum resulting in an Alberta High School Diploma.  This accreditation is given by the Alberta government and only changes when they choose to do so.

What does your Zoom Classes look like?

Please see the sample of a synchronous class High School Classroom 

Are there tuition fees?

Tuition fees are charged for non-funded Alberta Senior High School Overage Students - this includes non­primary students who register for more than 10 credits, 4th year senior high school students registering for in excess of 20 credits and 5th year and more senior high school students taking in excess of 10 credits.  Out of Province Non-funded Canadian Senior High School Students,   International Senior High School Students,  International Grades 4-9 Students (Online) and  Out of Province Grades 4-9 Students.  Please see our tuition fees on the following page link Tuition Fees.

When do semesters start and end?

Semesters start and end according to the Prairie Land Regional Division (PLRD) calendar.   For the school year 2023-2024, Semester 1 - August 30 - January 30th; Semester 2 - February 1st - June 27th.  Summer School is from July 1 - July 31st. Please see the 2023 -2024 PLRD School Calendar.

Can I finish my course early?


Can I get my mark early for university?

If you want to your mark before the end of the semester, you will need to let your teacher know.  Marks for each semester are guaranteed to be in by Alberta Education's deadline for University Transcript pull for the given semester.

I didn't do well on my course, can I repeat it?

You can repeat a course you took with another school.  You can SOMETIMES repeat a course you took with Hope Christian School, but not usually.

If I do well on a repeated course, do I have to rewrite the diploma?  What grade is used?

No, you do not have to rewrite the diploma exam.  As far as the grade that is used, your final mark will be a blend of your highest course awarded mark with your highest diploma written mark.  The exam is worth the percentage at the time of writing.

When do I get my mark?

You can view your marks on myPass after Albert Education's deadline for the given semester or within five days of our teacher submitting the mark mid semester IF you have asked your teacher for an early mark submission.  See the link for myPass Information

The teacher is not responding to my emails, how can I get in touch with my teacher?

Teachers should respond to their emails within one school day of receiving the email.  You can also message your teacher directly in Canvas.

How many courses can I take part time?

Part time non-primary students can only take 10 credits with Hope Christian School and CANNOT be registered at any other non primary school.

When does Summer School start and finish?

Summer School starts on July 2nd and finishes July 31st.  Marks will be submitted according to Alberta Education deadline for Summer School and marks will be on transcripts for the summer university transcript pull.  This date varies from year to year.

Where do I write my diploma exam?

Hope Christian School has two exam writing centres - one in Calgary and one in Edmonton.  If a student lives outside the Calgary/Edmonton area, they need to contact a local school and ask if the school will allow them to write there.  Hope Christian School's writing centres are opened for the January, June and August exams.  

I want to drop the course, how do I withdraw? 

To withdraw from a course or from Hope Christian School altogether, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/tYr4DmN7icfBxdeEA

Do I need my address on the registration form?

Yes, this is required information for Alberta Education to determine whether or not you are a funded student.

I forgot how to log in to Canvas.  What do I do when I am having problems with Canvas?

If you are having trouble logging in to Canvas, please contact our online secretary at online@hopechristianschool.ca or  at 403-854-4481 ext. 5103.  If you are having other problems with Canvas - before you submit a ticket to Canvas please try the following steps:

Occassionally, Canvas does have issues, please be patient and try the above solutions as submitting a ticket will not get the issue resolved.

Why can't I take courses at more than one non-primary school?

Alberta Education will only fund ONE non-primary school.  You may take up to 10 credits with Hope Christian School as your non-primary school ONLY if we are the only non-primary school registered.  A primary student may only register with ONE other non-primary school for the whole year excluding summer school.

What are the prerequisites of the courses I want to take?  I am in English 20-2 right now, do I need to finish the course before I can enroll in English 30-1 to upgrade?  Can I enroll in English 30-1 if I finish English 20-2?

If you have any questions regarding prerequisite courses, please contact the principal at principal@hopechristianschool.ca