Our home education program supports a large population of home educated students and their parents. With the home education program you may use the resources of your choosing but you will be required to fulfill the outcomes laid out by the Alberta Education Home Education Regulations. The Home Education Program Plan (HEPP) outlines these learning outcomes and the resources that you will be using to fulfill those outcomes.
2. Students are expected to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare them for life after high school. A basic education will allow students to: a. read for information b. write and speak clearly, accurately and appropriately for the context c. use mathematics to solve problems in business, science and daily life situations d. understand the physical world, ecology and the diversity of life
k. know the basic requirements of an active, healthful lifestyle
l. understand and appreciate literature, the arts and the creative process
m. research an issue thoroughly and evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources
n. demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills in problem solving and decision making
o. demonstrate competence in using information techniques
p. know how the work independently and as part of a team
q. manage time and other resources needed to complete a task
r. demonstrate initiative, leadership, flexibility and persistence
s. evaluate their own endeavors and continually strive to improve, and
t. have the desire and realize the need for life-long learning.